Saturday, June 20, 2009


I am reminded today of the ever present world that surrounds us, the invisible one that is just as real as this one. From time to time I see glimpses of this, at times, terrifyingly real world.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens. Ephesians 6:14b

I have been studying The Invisible War by Chip Ingram's Living on the Edge ministry. This study continues to open my eyes to the subtlety of Satan's attacks on believers. We engage in what he refers to as "guerilla warfare" with Satan and his demons daily, some days more than others. I learned, or should say was reminded, there are specific times Satan seems to attack more forcefully. A few of these times include: 1) Times of major spiritual growth 2) Any time we invade Enemy territory (the occult, Satanic cults, witchcraft, etc.) 3) Being involved in revealing who the Enemy truly is 4) After true repentance 5) When God is preparing us for great kingdom work

Sometimes the attacks can be more blatant. That's what Chip spoke about yesterday. Without going into any great detail or boasting, I have been dealing with attacks like this as of late. This comes as no surprise given the strongholds that God is bringing down. And God is always timely. It is no accident we studied that scripture yesterday.
The central point of
The Invisible War is the armor of God, which can be found in Ephesians chapter 6 verses 10- 18. One of the major ways we can fight back is the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God ( verse 17). I am working on memorizing scripture. Please pray for me in this endeavor.
The other major way we can fight back is through prayer.
With every prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit, and to this end be alert, with all perseverance and requests for all the saints. (Verse 18)

Believe me, I prayed until the wee hours of the morning, as did my dear husband after we received one of those 3 am phone calls. Again without going into great detail, one of the ministries we are part of has butted up against a stronghold and Satan is fighting back. I was not frightened but prayed and fell asleep. I woke up afraid and prayed some more.
For some odd reason, I thought of the scene in the movie
Labyrinth where the heroine realizes that the Goblin
king she has been fighting has no real power over her. See clip ( it does have one curse word but the lesson is fantastic).
God also brought to mind scripture, which I emphasize is most important. Pray for me as I pray for you. Be strong in the Lord. Remember, any power Satan has is only power God allows him to have, for now.
In the end, we win.

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