Thursday, February 07, 2008

Warning: Contents Under Pressure!

If there was a label on my life right now that is exactly what it would read. The storm clouds circle and just when I think its over, it starts raining again.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised, after all Jesus never said life would be easy. He just said he would be with me.
I have started doing Bible study again and I realize how much I crave structure and schedule. More than that I need God's power to move in my life.
On Wednesday nights, the ladies in my church started a Beth Moore study called Stepping Up: A Study of the Psalms of Ascent. How good it is to get face down before the Creator and seek Him. Oh but all the excuses I can come with to miss out on what he has for me. Last night I fell asleep doing the study. But I will not give up.
Like I said we have had hard times (hasn't everyone lately). As I was on the verge of tears last week the verses from Romans Chapter 5 came to mind. Suffering produces endurance, endurance, character, and character produces hope. And hope is something we all need to appear and stay!
As part of the study, we studied Psalm 121., which was recently skillfully put into song by the Songs from the Voice project.
He will not Rest, Christena Graves
When I look up
To the vast sides of the mountain
I know that my Creator
Will send the help I need
He will hold me
Firmly in the place I need to be
Never let his eyes leave me for a moment
He will not rest
He will not let us go
He will not rest
He will not let us go
The Lord keeps you so close
that his shadow is cooling shade to you
He'll keep your soul safe
From the first breath to the last breath that you breathe
He will not rest
He will not let us go
He will not rest
He will not let us go

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